One of the great things about visitors is taking them to see our local nature. At the beginning and the end of the month this was the case. And, in between, I went birding of course.
We started the month visiting with my husband's daughter and her beau who were visiting San Diego from the UK. We had a lovely time with them and went out whale watching. Not too exciting for whales, but there were many Mola mola eating Velella velella (Ocean sunfish eating sea jellies).
At the end of the month my husband and I welcomed guests into our home. It has been a long time, due to the pandemic, since we have had guests spend time in our home for an extended visit. I had been looking forward to it for a while. One of the benefits for me is getting the house ready. My husband dreads this part, but is happy when it is done. Not that we are bad housekeepers, although I guess we are but, without visitors, sometimes clutter builds up beyond what I can tolerate. My husband likes to accumulate things, and I have followed suit, particularly with art supplies. I have now had the opportunity to go through my supplies, clean out what I can, and at least reorganized them, which will make them much easier to access in the future. Decluttering is very good for my spirits. Meanwhile, my husband painted the front bench and sanded the Adirondack chairs out back. When my friends arrived, I'm sure they were impressed with the way we live in only a moderately cluttered house. The visit with guests is so very welcomed. After preparations, it is then a stay-cation for us to spend time enjoying the company of our friends...and the residual cleaner home. Our friends came to LA for the Natural History Museum Bug Fair. The rest of the time we met up with others and looked for and talked about birds and insects. My kind of people!
While migration petered out, as usual, the silk oaks attracted the birds while their blooms lasted. I saw Black-headed Grosbeaks and Western Tanagers on their way through. Yellow Warblers arrived for the summer. A Northern Parula and an Indigo Bunting were nice rarities.
Visits to Dockweiler Beach, Bolsa Chica, and San Joaquin Marsh were wonderful places to see tern courtship. Males offer fish to the females to prove they are good providers. If she is receptive, courtship and copulation follow. At Dockweiler Beach, a young boy came by and asked why one bird was standing on the back of the the other. I didn't want to go into too much detail, but he left excited about birds. At Bolsa Chica, we watched a Least Tern male go fish and feed a potential mate. She proved very responsive and waggled and tickled his chest with her tail. But he seemed mostly confused and eventually flew off. Was he still too young?
I enjoyed tide pooling at Cabrillo Beach. It has been a while since I have done that, and was glad that our guests suggested it.
I took my friends to see the Nighthawks at Irvine Regional Park, and the birds put on a good show. We also heard Western Screech Owls and saw bats. Nighttime birding is a different experience even if there are no photos.
We looked for insects at San Joaquin and Madrona Marshes where we saw native bees and flies. I threw a party at my house where everyone brought their cameras to do a mini bioblitz for insects in my yard. It was a success. They added many new species to my yard list. I think my husband now believes I'm not the only one looking under leaves and under the porchlight. There is a whole community out there!
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Local Stuff:
Los Cerritos Wetlands Bird Survey:
Tide Pools:
San Diego boat trip: