Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them. ~A.A. Milne

Plants (to be sorted) temporary folder

221 photos
Plants (to be sorted) temporary folder

Sunflower Family -Asteraceae

114 photos
Sunflower Family -Asteraceae

Pea/Legume Family - Fabaceae

48 photos
Pea/Legume Family - Fabaceae

Mint Family (includes sages) - Lamiaceae

19 photos
Mint Family (includes sages) - Lamiaceae

Borage Family - Boraginaceae

16 photos
Borage Family - Boraginaceae

Nightshade Family - Solanaceae

7 photos
Nightshade Family - Solanaceae

Cacti Family - Cactaceae

12 photos
Cacti Family - Cactaceae

Mallow Family

19 photos
Mallow Family

Parsley Family

3 photos
Parsley Family

Mustard Family

9 photos
Mustard Family

Rose Family

11 photos
Rose Family

Evening Primrose Family

18 photos
Evening Primrose Family

Sumac or Cashew Family

7 photos
Sumac or Cashew Family

Nettle Family - Urticaceae

3 photos
Nettle Family -  Urticaceae

Milkweed and Dogbane Family

12 photos
Milkweed and Dogbane Family

Spurge Family

5 photos
Spurge Family

Broomrape Famly

16 photos
Broomrape Famly

Poppy Family

24 photos
Poppy Family

Plantain (and Penstemon) Family

6 photos
Plantain (and Penstemon) Family

Buckwheat Family

7 photos
Buckwheat Family

Buckthorn Family

8 photos
Buckthorn Family

Beech Family - Fagaceae (oaks)

95 photos
Beech Family - Fagaceae (oaks)

Pink Family

3 photos
Pink Family

Goosefoot Family

7 photos
Goosefoot Family

Amaranth Family - Amaranthaceae

3 photos
Amaranth Family - Amaranthaceae

Morning glory and Dodder Family

11 photos
Morning glory and Dodder Family

Birthwort Family - Aristolochiaceae

4 photos
Birthwort Family - Aristolochiaceae

Woodsorrel Family

4 photos
Woodsorrel Family

Madder Family

2 photos
Madder Family

Passionfruit Family

8 photos
Passionfruit Family

Lily Family

27 photos
Lily Family

Misc. Monocots

34 photos
Misc. Monocots

Pine Trees

8 photos
Pine Trees