Sights of June 2023 - Fast and Slow

June 30, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

June gloom continued for much of the month. It was gray and overcast. It kept temperatures down which made it pleasant to get out. It was only at the end of the month that the temperatures started to rise. I had a hard time getting a focus this month. The month seems to have gone by very fast, but birding has been slow. We use the term slow when we aren't seeing a lot of birds. As expected, birds are nesting and having babies. We have some of our local birds, but many are off in Canada, Alaska, or are up in our mountains. I went up to the mountains with friends on two quick trips. It is good to see montane species such as Steller's Jays, White-headed Woodpeckers, and Williamson's Sapsuckers, but it seemed a bit slow. It could be that with all the rain, birds have dispersed more widely, so we are not seeing them in the densities in areas where they usually concentrate. Have the heavy, long lasting snows impacted things? I enjoy observing, questioning, and conjecturing, but I will never know all the answers.

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How to view photos with species names:

  • The slide shows below show photos in the galleries.
  • You can click on the link to see the gallery with the names of the species displayed.
  • The gallery opens in a new tab.
  • In the upper right, you can click on 'slideshow' and it will show with the species name and where and when I saw it.

Watch the slideshows or click on the links to look through at your own pace. Links open in a new tab.


Local Stuff:


Los Cerritos Wetlands Bird Survey:


Barret-Stoddard Road:


Grassy Hollow, Blue Ridge Campground, Jackson Lake:



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