Sights of April 2023 - Full-on Springtime

April 30, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Every year I look forward to April, even though it is usually a very busy month. Spring migration ramps up and one must go out often because the birds pass through the area in a matter of weeks. Also, Palos Verdes/South Bay Audubon does a Spring Butterfly Count, for which I am now the coordinator/compiler, and it is City Nature Challenge at the end of the month. And yet, it is also grunion season.

Grunion are small fish that come to spawn with special high tides. They bury their eggs in the sand high on the shoreline. This occurs on a full moon at night. I have yet to stay up that late and trek to the beach to see them. However, I do get up the next morning to see the shorebirds flock to feed on the eggs. 

Signal Hill was THE hotspot for spring migration. There were so many warblers including multitudes of Wilson's, Orange-crowned, Nashville's, and Townsend's, a few Hermit, an individual Black-and-White, and even a Hooded Warbler (only the second one I have ever seen). That warbler brought flocks of local birders to look for it. In addition, there were flocks of Western Tanagers and Black-headed Grosbeaks in dazzling color. I made some rounds to other local parks too. In addition to the birds, White-lined Sphinx moths were everywhere. I also saw coyotes at Signal Hill and Willow-Springs. The ones at Signal Hill gave a rousing chorus at dusk.

I went to San Jacinto Wildlife Area in Riverside County. I was there a few months ago for the first time and was very happy to go back. The waterfowl were fewer because many had already left, but there were still some there. Last time we were there, we saw many Mountain Bluebirds, but these too were all gone now. I just missed the 'good' birds that were the targets for many birders including my friends, but I was not disappointed. I was very happy to see the White-faced Ibises in breeding plumage. I also stayed by the car while the others went for a longer walk to look for them. I took some time to sketch in my journal and enjoy the greenery and yellow flowers after the rain.

Los Cerritos Wetlands was stunning in yellow with Mustard and Garland Daisies. Unfortunately they are both non-native invasives, but stunning none the less.

At the end of the month, Rancho Los Cerritos held events for the annual City Nature Challenge. I helped with birds, and then at night, joined the blacklighting event. It was rather cool, and insects were few, but the company and just being at the Rancho at night was wonderful.

The wildflowers are so beautiful that I did a little ink and watercolor journaling this month, and I did a more detailed colored pencil botanical illustration of yellow sage.

Get outside. It's good for you!

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  • In the upper right, you can click on 'slideshow' and it will show with the species name and where and when I saw it.

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Local Stuff:

Feeding Frenzy:


San Jacinto:



Los Cerritos Wetlands Bird Survey:


Rancho Los Cerritos Wetlands City Nature Challenge:



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