Sights of March 2016

April 02, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I had a whirlwind month visiting many fun places. Family from England came to visit and wanted to see the everything (well almost) in California and the United States in 2 weeks. We sent them to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon on their own but joined them for trips to Morro Bay, Joshua Tree National Park, and local trips including Whale Watching. It was nice to see so much in a short time, but not enough time to really soak up any one place. Of course I managed to shoot a few photos along the way.

Highlights captured in pictures:

Local stuff:  Woodpeckers started the month and I added birds throughout the month. I discovered two new places in Whittier, the Whittier Narrows Nature Center and Sycamore Canyon. Both well worth the visit. Finally the bugs are back in town and my yard is providing fun opportunities to break out the macro lens. For those who like larger things, a few whale shots and lastly a cat photo.

IRC Monthly Butterfly Count: WOW!!! Everything was in bloom and there were lots of butterflies. Sara Orange-tips, Common Ringlets, and White Checkered Skippers were in greatest abundance. Love is in the air. I saw lots of courtship and mating going on. In addition to butterflies, I found a mating pair of Dragon Lubber grasshoppers. How often have I mentioned that this is the activity I most look forward to each month?

Los Cerritos Wetlands Bird Count: A few birds, insects,  mostly non-native, but still colorful, flowers, and a bunny for Easter.

Joshua Tree National Park: The park was packed with people. We went mid-week and all the campsites were full. We wound up camping in a private RV park in 29 Palms. It was like camping in a parking lot. But it was quiet, we had running water, picked up pizza for dinner and enjoyed good company so I had a good time even if no night photos.  We had a telescope with us and saw the moons of Jupiter.  We only did a quick drive-by through the park the next day. I hopped out of the car to shoot some wildflowers which were abundant.

Morro Bay: The drive up was lovely.  So great to see the hills green again after the rains. We spent one night to celebrate my birthday and the home the next morning. Our hotel was next to a Heron Rookery where Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, and Double Crested Cormorants were nesting. I have to go back and spend more time!!!!


Watch the slideshows or click on the links to look through at your own pace.

Enjoy the show! I always appreciate corrections to id's.

Local stuff:


Irvine Ranch Conservancy monthly butterfly count:

Los Cerritos Wetlands bird count:

Joshua Tree:




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