Sights of February 2016

February 29, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

A busy month, as usual. I, along with my friend Mike, had the opportunity to talk to a girl scout troop about our native bees. I'll do anything for girl scout cookies! I also continued taking my class in bird sounds. Now that's a challenge! It has helped but I have a long way to go and certainly studying more would help. I have loved the field trips and discovering new places.

Highlights captured in pictures:

Local stuff:  I saw three species of Merganser (Hooded, Red-breasted, Common), both male and female. I consider that a highlight to see them all in one month. Good sightings of Clark's and Western Grebes really helped me see the difference. I saw an Sara Orange-tip butterfly at my local nature center. I see them out in more wild areas but this is the first in the nature center in the city in about eight years. Unfortunately I saw a fair about of fishing line and bird entanglements in all the local parks where they stock the ponds for the fishermen. It is very sad to see and makes me ask why we still do it (revenue I'm sure) or can't we do it more responsibly?

IRC Monthly Butterfly Count: I had missed my butterfly count in January but am back on track in February. We mostly saw Sara Orange-tip butterflies, but they seemed to be on a mission and didn't pose for photos. I did catch some deer running through. It was a glorious day. California winter at 80 degrees.

Ranch Los Cerritos: The toyon berries were still attracting America Robins, Cedar Waxwings, and Purple Finches

Quail Lake: Five of us from Long Beach joined in on a trip with Pasadena Audubon to Quail Lake and Holiday Lake near Tejon Ranch on the 138 off the 5. Great sightings and several birds added to my life list included Williamson's Sapsucker and Red Crossbill. The owls at Holiday Lake were such a treat!

For those that are on Facebook, I have set up a public page where I post updates during the month. You can LIKE it here: I also send out a monthly email with a link to this blog. Contact me if you would like to added.


Watch the slideshows or click on the links to look through at your own pace.

Enjoy the show! 

Local stuff:


Irvine Ranch Conservancy monthly butterfly count:


Rancho Los Cerritos


Quail Lake, near Tejon Ranch


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