Sights of September 2022 - Keeping a list

September 30, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Between heat canceling and changing schedules and an out of town trip, I missed a peak time for migrant birds, my butterfly survey, my wetlands bird survey, a blacklighting event, and an opportunity for an art retreat this month. Still, I kept busy.

I often feel the need to keep busy, accomplish things, and strive to be better. I keep lists. I use iNaturalist and eBird to list what I see on a walk. This month I added to my life list of birds Black-rumped Waxbill, Zebra Finch, (both escapees), Least Storm Petrel, and a few birds on my trip to New York.  I also added some rarities to my year list, Canada Warbler (an east coast bird) and Dickcissel.  A Pigeon Guillemot and Red Phalarope were welcome rarities on a pelagic trip. Although it is my nature to keep lists, stay organized, and keep busy, I don't always like the way I feel when I get too deep into list mode. Sometimes I have to slow down. When I write my blog each month, it gives me time to reflect on what I've seen and maybe take it in a little more slowly and deeply.

It can be a struggle for me to just chill without the need to set goals and accomplish things. I saw a meme that said "Procrastination is totally a good thing. You always have something to do tomorrow, plus you have nothing to do today." So for next month I have set a goal to do less, be mediocre, and be ok with that. The first part is the easier, the being ok with that is more of a struggle. I'll see if I can accomplish that goal, and check it off my list.

Happy Nature Walks.

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How to view photos with species names:

  • The slide shows below show photos in the galleries.
  • You can click on the link to see the gallery with the names of the species displayed.
  • The gallery opens in a new tab.
  • In the upper right, you can click on 'slideshow' and it will show with the species name and where and when I saw it.

Watch the slideshows or click on the links to look through at your own pace. Links open in a new tab.

Local Stuff:   

Pelagic Birding out of Marina del Rey:








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