Holidays, household maintenance, and a broken lens have slowed down my naturalist activities. However, there are still many lovely things to share. I started the month with an East Coast bird that showed up a little lost in migration. The Black-throated Blue Warbler posed for me! I found a couple of other 'rarities' in my local park and enjoyed other migrant and resident birds. A Northern Harrier was the highlight of my Los Cerritos Wetland monthly survey.
The Mexican marigold in my yard is blooming. It attracts many pollinators and other critters, so a have a nice collection of insect photos too.
I went on an Audubon trip to the backside of the San Gabriel Mountains. There didn't seem to be as many birds as last year and few posed. Between that, and my favorite lens in the shop (three weeks and counting), I have mostly scenery and a few fuzzy bird shots. There were lots of Ferruginous Hawks and some nice raptor watching in Antelope Valley. I finally saw a Vesper Sparrow and got good looks at a Golden-crowned Kinglet. Darn that broken lens!!! I will just have to go back when my lens comes back from the shop.
Watch the slideshows or click on the links to look through at your own pace.
Enjoy the show! I always appreciate corrections to ID's.
Local stuff:
Back slope of the San Gabriels:
Los Cerritos Wetlands Bird Survey: