I am finally giving in and working on my gull skills. As with anything new, it seems quite daunting. "Where do I begin? There are just so many variations? I'll never learn this. Who cares?" All the self doubt, fear of failure, fear of feeling stupid or being found out that I am a sham, seems to apply to gull ? ID, new art, and any new skill. But, I find when I take a deep breath and approach it methodically and patiently, it all starts to come together. I am not an expert overnight and I still have a long way to go, but making the effort sure helps.
This will be a living blog that I will update as I get new information, insights, and photos. If you find I have made an error, please let me know. I will correct it and learn. If you know another source, let me know. If you find this helpful, let me know.
So here goes. I am highlighting a few key points that will help me in the field and help me to remember the differences.
BOGU Bonaparte's Gull - Chroicocephalus philadelphia (13.5") Two-year gull
Pigeon size, Black bill, Post occular spot, Generally don't mix with others
1st Winter
1st Summer |
Winter Adult |
SBIG Short-billed Gull - Larus brachyrhynchus (17") Three-year gull
Similar to Ring-billed, but smaller bill and shorter legs. Dark iris on adult. Winters on the coast
2nd Winteryellow bill may be slightly ringed, yellow legs
Winter Adultdark iris, yellow bill, yellow legs Winter Adult |
RBGU Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis (17.5") Three-year gull
Pale mantle
1st Winterpink bill, pink legs 1st Winter |
2nd WinterSimilar to adult, fewer tail markings, thick band on bill,
Non-breeding Adultyellow legs, yellow bill, light iris ringed with red
HEEG Heerman's Gull -Larus heermanni (19") Four-year Gull
Distinctive, dark easy to identify
Heerman's Gull - Larus heermanniOrder: CHARADRIIFORMES - Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies |
Heerman's Gull - Larus heermanni (immature)Order: CHARADRIIFORMES - Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies |
Heerman's Gull - Larus heermanniOrder: CHARADRIIFORMES - Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies Winter Adult |
Heerman's Gull - Larus heermanniMalibu Lagoon 06/14/2106 Breeding Adult |
CAGU California Gull - Larus californicus (21") Four-year Gull
Variable, mantle lighter than western, adult yellowish legs, dark eye, slim straight bill
California Gull - Larus californicus (1st Wiinter)California Gull - Larus californicus (1st Wiinter) Dana Point, San Juan Creek Mouth 12/11/2016
1st Winter |
California Gull - Larus californicus (2nd Wiinter)California Gull - Larus californicus (2nd Wiinter) Dana Point, San Juan Creek Mouth 12/11/2016
California Gull - Larus californicus (3rd Wiinter)California Gull - Larus californicus (3rd Wiinter) Dana Point, San Juan Creek Mouth 12/11/2016
3rd Winter |
California Gull - Larus californicusOrder: CHARADRIIFORMES - Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies |
Thayers (23)" Four-year Gull - UNCOMMON IN OUR AREA
Highly Variable
1st Winter |
2nd Winter |
3rd Winter |
Winter Adult |
Yellow-footed (24") Four-year Gull - UNCOMMON IN OUR AREA
I got nothing
1st Winter |
2nd Winter |
3rd Winter |
Winter Adult |
WEGU Western Gull - Larus occidentalis (25") Four-year Gull
Adults White head, dark gray back, pink legs, large yellow bill with red dot,thick tipped, slightly drooping, darker eyes
1st Winter
1st Winter |
dark gray back, two toned bill, yellow eye |
Western Gull - Larus occidentalisAlmansor Park, Alhambra 02/04/2016
3rd Winter |
Western Gull - Larus occidentalisOrder: CHARADRIIFORMES - Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies |
AMHG American Herring Gull - Larus smithsonianus (25") Four-year Gull
Mantle lighter than California Gull, Highly variable
Section needs work
American Herring Gull - Larus smithsonianusHerring Gull - Larus argentatus LA River, Compton 03/12/2017
Winter Adult |
GWGU Glaucous-winged Gull - Larus glaucescens (26") Four-year Gull
Bill shape variable, unpatterned and uniformly colored plumage. Wing tips same color as back.
(1st winter)Glaucous-winged Gull - Larus glaucescens (1st winter)
2nd Winter |
3rd Winter |
Glaucous-winged Gull - Larus glaucescens (hybrid)Order: CHARADRIIFORMES - Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies |
First year birds
1st Winterpink bill, pink legs RBGU |
(1st winter)Glaucous-winged Gull - Larus glaucescens (1st winter) GWGU |
Winter Adultdark iris, yellow bill, yellow legs SBIG |
1st Winterpink bill, pink legs
California Gull - Larus californicus (or hybrid)LA River, Long Beach 12/19/2015 CAGU |
pink legs |
WEGU pink legs