In May I was very busy, I finished up my entomology class, was heavily involved in an insect study for the nature center, and wrapped up a major spring cleaning effort around my house. This month was time for a break. In June, I wrapped up the insect study, caught my breath, and spent more time with family. No butterfly count. No desert trips. The photos I took are all local, many in my own yard, and some through my front window. My cats alert me to interesting birds and I keep my camera handy! June is such a fine month for butterflies and baby birds.
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I saw some wonderful sights from my front window.
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus House Finch - Carpodacus mexicanus Gulf fritillary - Agraulis vanillae Cooper's Hawk - Accipiter cooperii . I had to get out of my chair for this one. Hooded Oriel - Icterus cucullatus
I picked up the colored pencils again. I hope to continue to develop my skills over the summer. Expect to see more.
I saw babies at Sims' Pond.
American Coot - Fulica americana (young) Pied-billed Grebe - Podilymbus podiceps (young)
I saw my first Lorquin's admiral - Limenitis lorquini
Lorquin's admiral - Limenitis lorquini
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