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What's New October 2012

A visit to San Diego Wild Animal Park in the early part of the month, Oak Glen Preserve in San Bernadino later in the month and a little time locally, yielded some fun photos and a wasp new to me. Finally i got a decent shot (althoug not perfect) of a local coyote.

A fabulous experience at the duck pond with American White Pelicans required its own gallery.

My monthly blog featured El Dorado Nature Center.

If you would like to be added to a my email list for a link to see what's new once a month, contact me.

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Coyote - Canis latransCoyote - Canis latransBlack-crowned Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticoraxBlack-crowned Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticoraxWestern Gull - Larus occidentalisEastern fox squirrel  - Sciurus nigerGreenbottle fly - Lucilia sericataRockyAnna's Hummingbird - Calypte annaWestern Pygmy-Blue - Brephidium exilisAmerican White Pelican - Pelecanus erythrorhynchosAmerican White Pelican - Pelecanus erythrorhynchosPainted lady - Vanessa carduiPainted lady - Vanessa carduiBackswimmer - Family NotonectidaeCalifornia dogface - Zerene eurydiceOak Glen PreserveOak Glen Preserve