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Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

Highlights of January

January can be rainy and cool in the night. Migratory birds are the treat this time of year. Look for clusters of wintering Monarchs in El Dorado Nature Center.
Fig-eater beetle grubs in the compost and in the garden soil
Painted lady and West coast lady butterflies and caterpillars
Monarchs and caterpillars
Green lynx spiderlings some leaving the egg sac mass and venturing around the garden
Hummingbird nests
Warblers and white crowned sparrows
Northern shoveler and ring-neck ducks
Bladderpod blooms
Sage begins to bloom
Monarch - Danaus plexippusMonarch - Danaus plexippusWest coast lady - Vanessa annabellaGreen lynx spider - Peucetia viridansFig-eater beetle - Cotinis mutabilisCabbage white - Pieris rapaeCabbage looper - Trichoplusia niSonoran bumble bee - Bombus sonorusCalifornia brittlebush - Encelia californicaBladderpod - Peritoma arboreaYellow-rumped Warbler - Setophaga coronataNorthern Shoveler - Spatula clypeataRing-necked Duck - Aythya collaris (female)Lesser Scaup - Aythya affinisBufflehead - Bucephala albeolaWestern Sandpiper - Calidris mauriForster's Tern - Sterna forsteriMonarch - Danaus plexippusEl Dorado Park Area II