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Taken 6-Sep-15
2 of 113 photos

Cooper's Hawk - Astur cooperii

Order: FALCONIFORMES - Kites, Hawks, Eagles, and Allies
Family: ACCIPITRIDAE - Hawks

Year-round residents.

My yard 09/2015

I photographed this Cooper's Hawk in front of my house. I noticed it was banded and I reported it (I sent a closeup of the band). This hawk was banded by the US Department of Agriculture as part of a project that bands raptors relocated from airports. Here is the response and the story of this bird:
"This Cooper's hawk was trapped and translocated from the Long Beach Airport on 26 Feb 2014. It was released near Santiago Canyon, CA later that day. Oddly enough, it was recaptured back at the airport on 23 Sept 2014 and taken back out to Santiago Canyon. Apparently, this bird really likes the airport, as you photographed it on the west side of the airport.

Wildlife Services assists airports across the nation with reducing wildlife strikes and raptors generally rank 5th - 7th in regards to most hazardous group. The long-term strategy is to reduce habitat attractions and prey base (using rodenticides and limiting vegetation), but this is not always feasible. So, we are left with harassment, trapping and translocation, and lethal reinforcement. Raptors generally do not respond favorably to harassment and lethal removal is our last resort, therefore we do quite a bit of trapping and translocation. We will be on the lookout for this guy and try to get him out of there, again, before he gets hit by a plane. Might need to take him somewhere else next time."
NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D7100, f/5.6 @ 300 mm, 1/1250, ISO 800, No Flash

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Cooper's Hawk - Accipiter cooperii

Cooper's Hawk - Astur cooperii