Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus

89 photos
Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus

Long-eared Owl - Asio otus

6 photos
Long-eared Owl - Asio otus

Short-eared Owl - Asio flammeus

6 photos
Short-eared Owl - Asio flammeus

American Barn Owl - Tyto furcata

8 photos
American Barn Owl - Tyto furcata

Burrowing Owl - Athene cunicularia

22 photos
Burrowing Owl - Athene cunicularia

Snowy Owl - Bubo scandiacus (not supposed to be here)

41 photos
Snowy Owl - Bubo scandiacus (not supposed to be here)

Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura

30 photos
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura

Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus

13 photos
Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Golden Eagle - Aquila chrysaetos

3 photos
Golden Eagle - Aquila chrysaetos

Osprey - Pandion haliaetus

119 photos
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus

Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis

215 photos
Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis

Red-shouldered Hawk - Buteo elegans

106 photos
Red-shouldered Hawk - Buteo elegans

Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo regalis

37 photos
Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo regalis

Swainson's Hawk - Buteo swainsoni

30 photos
Swainson's Hawk - Buteo swainsoni

Broad-winged Hawk - Buteo platypterus

7 photos
Broad-winged Hawk - Buteo platypterus

Rough-legged Hawk - Buteo lagopus

7 photos
Rough-legged Hawk - Buteo lagopus

Zone-tailed Hawk - Buteo albonotatus

12 photos
Zone-tailed Hawk - Buteo albonotatus

Cooper's Hawk - Astur cooperii

109 photos
Cooper's Hawk - Astur cooperii

Sharp-shinned Hawk - Accipiter striatus

15 photos
Sharp-shinned Hawk - Accipiter striatus

Northern Harrier - Circus hudsonius

47 photos
Northern Harrier - Circus hudsonius

White-tailed Kite - Elanus leucurus

55 photos
White-tailed Kite - Elanus leucurus

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus

26 photos
Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus

Prairie Falcon - Falco mexicanus

3 photos
Prairie Falcon - Falco mexicanus

American Kestrel - Falco sparverius

94 photos
American Kestrel - Falco sparverius

Merlin - Falco columbarius

34 photos
Merlin - Falco columbarius

Yellow-headed Caracara - Daptrius chimachima (not supposed to be here)

18 photos
Yellow-headed Caracara - Daptrius chimachima (not supposed to be here)