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This area was outside the range of the Biodiversity hunt, but was quite stunning. We hiked the trail on Thursday before the event. Some of these images were taken in the area, but taken a day before the event.
Neumoegen's sagebrush checkerspot - Chlosyne acastus neumoegeniNeumoegen's sagebrush checkerspot - Chlosyne acastus neumoegeniNeumoegen's sagebrush checkerspot - Chlosyne acastus neumoegeniNeumoegen's sagebrush checkerspot - Chlosyne acastus neumoegeniNeumoegen's sagebrush checkerspot - Chlosyne acastus neumoegeniSubfamily Eumeninae - Potter and Mason WaspsSubfamily Eumeninae - Potter and Mason WaspsSubfamily Eumeninae - Potter and Mason WaspsFamily Sarcophagidae - Flesh FliesFamily Sarcophagidae - Flesh FliesHarvester Ants - PogonomyrmexSmall carpenter bee -  Ceratina sp.Small carpenter bee -  Ceratina sp.Family Melyridae - Soft-winged Flower BeetlesFamily Melyridae - Soft-winged Flower BeetlesWeb of Desert shrub spider, Diguetia sp. or Labyrinth spider,Metepeira sp.?Great Basin Whiptail - Aspidoscelis tigris tigrisWestern Chuckwalla - Sauromalus ater obesusWestern Chuckwalla - Sauromalus ater obesusWestern Chuckwalla - Sauromalus ater obesus