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As far as we go. This is where it started to get muddy.Bonaparte's Gull - Chroicocephalus philadelphia, 1 California Gull - Larus californicus, Northern Pintail - Anas acuta, 1 Ring-billed Gull -  Larus delawarensisBonaparte's Gull - Chroicocephalus philadelphia, and friendsLeast Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla, Northern Pintail - Anas acutaBell's Sparrow - Artemisiospiza belliBell's Sparrow - Artemisiospiza belliWe were to only ones there'Sand' is thick layers of Salton Sea Barnacle - Balanus amphitrite ssp. saltonensis'Sand' is thick layers of Salton Sea Barnacle - Balanus amphitrite ssp. saltonensisSinking in the Salton Sea Barnacle - Balanus amphitrite ssp. saltonensisShoes with mud dipped in Salton Sea Barnacle - Balanus amphitrite ssp. saltonensisA very sticky mudWater boatmen - Trichocorixa reticulataWater boatmen - Trichocorixa reticulata