'Do you hear the grasshopper which is at your feet?'
'Old Man, how is it that you hear these things?'
'Young Man, how is it that you do not?'

- from the movie Kung Fu

"Orthoptera" means "Straight-wing".

Orthopterans have forewings thickened into a "tegmen". Their hind wings are folded fanwise when not used for flight. They have enlarged hind legs, chewing mouthparts,·and large compound eyes. Many (males) produce sounds for courtship through stridulation of body parts. The species that produce sound usually have auditoory organs called tympanum or their bodies or legs.
Orthopterans have incomplete metamorphosis (egg, nymph, adult). Most overwinter as eggs in untilled soil. There are usually 1 or 2 generations per year.

Grasshoppers - Suborder Caelifera - Short-horned orthoptera
Katydids and Crickets - Suborder Ensifera - Long-horned orthoptera

Gray bird grasshopper - Schistocerca nitens

125 photos
Gray bird grasshopper - Schistocerca nitens

Pallid-winged Grasshopper - Trimerotropis pallidipennis

23 photos
Pallid-winged Grasshopper - Trimerotropis pallidipennis

Fontana Grasshopper - Trimerotropis fontana

3 photos
Fontana Grasshopper - Trimerotropis fontana

Painted meadow grasshopper - Chimarocephalia pacifica

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Painted meadow grasshopper - Chimarocephalia pacifica

Saussure's Desert Grasshopper - Derotmema saussureanum

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Saussure's Desert Grasshopper - Derotmema saussureanum

Saussure's Blue-winged Grasshopper - Leprus intermedius

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Saussure's Blue-winged Grasshopper - Leprus intermedius

Clear-winged Grasshopper - Camnula pellucida

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Clear-winged Grasshopper - Camnula pellucida

Devastating Grasshopper - Melanoplus devastator

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Devastating Grasshopper - Melanoplus devastator

Grayish sagebrush grasshopper - Melanoplus cinereus

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Grayish sagebrush grasshopper - Melanoplus cinereus

Yarrow's grasshopper - Melanoplus yarrowii

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Yarrow's grasshopper - Melanoplus yarrowii

Migratory grasshopper - Melanoplus sanguinipes

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Migratory grasshopper - Melanoplus sanguinipes

Texas range grasshopper - Psoloessa texana

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Texas range grasshopper - Psoloessa texana

Trailside grasshopper - Lactista gibbosus

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Trailside grasshopper - Lactista gibbosus

California Orange-winged Grasshopper - Arphia ramona

1 photos
California Orange-winged Grasshopper  - Arphia ramona

Spur-throated grasshopper - Oedaleonotus tenuipennis

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Spur-throated grasshopper - Oedaleonotus tenuipennis

Graceful slant-face grasshopper - Chloealtis gracilis

1 photos
Graceful slant-face grasshopper - Chloealtis gracilis

Dragon lubber - Dracotettix monstrosus

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Dragon lubber - Dracotettix monstrosus

Fork-tailed bush katydid - Scudderia furcata

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Fork-tailed bush katydid - Scudderia furcata

Mexican bush katydid - Scudderia mexicana

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Mexican bush katydid - Scudderia mexicana

Mediterranean katydid - Phaneroptera nana

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Mediterranean katydid - Phaneroptera nana

Angle-wing katydids -Microcentrum sp.

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Angle-wing katydids -Microcentrum sp.

Shield-backed katydid - Aglaothorax sp.

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Shield-backed katydid - Aglaothorax sp.

Tropical house cricket - Gryllodes supplicans

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Tropical house cricket - Gryllodes supplicans

European House Cricket - Acheta domesticus

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European House Cricket - Acheta domesticus

Field cricket - Gryllus sp.

4 photos
Field cricket - Gryllus sp.

Field cricket - Gryllus sp.

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Field cricket - Gryllus sp.

Field cricket - Gryllus sp.

4 photos
Field cricket - Gryllus sp.

Prairie tree cricket - Oecanthus argentinus

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Prairie tree cricket - Oecanthus argentinus

Four-spotted tree cricket - Oecanthus quadripunctatus

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Four-spotted tree cricket - Oecanthus quadripunctatus

Jerusalem cricket - Ammopelmatus sp.

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Jerusalem cricket - Ammopelmatus sp.

Camel cricket - Ceuthophilus sp.

12 photos
Camel cricket - Ceuthophilus sp.

West Coast Ant Cricket - Myrmecophilus oregonensis

1 photos
West Coast Ant Cricket - Myrmecophilus oregonensis