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April is a busy month. I started a small insect survey at the Nature Center, so be warned. There are a lot of insect and spider photos here, many are new to my site.

Mammals and birds first so the squeamish folk can stop scrolling before you get to the good stuff. Click on an image to see additional information about it, or for best viewing click Slideshow.

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Coyote - Canis latransCoyote - Canis latransDoes a coyote s$#t in the woods?Indian Peafowl - Pavo cristatusIndian Peafowl - Pavo cristatusIndian Peafowl - Pavo cristatusIndian Peafowl - Pavo cristatusIndian Peafowl - Pavo cristatusIndian Peafowl - Pavo cristatusNot interested!Black-crowned Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticoraxBlack-crowned Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticoraxRed-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceusMourning cloak - Nymphalis antiopaMourning cloak - Nymphalis antiopaMourning cloak - Nymphalis antiopaCamel cricket - Ceuthophilus sp.Camel cricket - Ceuthophilus sp.Camel cricket - Ceuthophilus sp.Camel cricket - Ceuthophilus sp.