Sub-orders Auchenorrhyncha and Sternorrhyncha were previously classified together in the order Homoptera. "Homoptera" means "Same-wing". Both pairs of wings are similar in type. Now that they are classified in Order Hemiptera, the name has a little less meaning. A large number of species in this order are consiered plant pests,not just from feeding on the plants but through the transmission of virus and bateria that cause plant disease.

"The way a child discovers the world constantly replicates the way science began. You start to notice what's around you, and you get very curious about how things work. How things interrelate. It's as simple as seeing a bug that intrigues you. You want to know where it goes at night; who its friends are; what it eats." - David Cronenberg

Van Duzee's Cicada - Tibicinoides vanduzeei

10 photos
Van Duzee's Cicada - Tibicinoides vanduzeei

Keeled treehopper - Antianthe expansa

9 photos
Keeled treehopper - Antianthe expansa

Cixiid Planthopper - Melanoliarus sp.

1 photos
Cixiid Planthopper - Melanoliarus sp.

Flatid planthopper - Flatormenis saucia

1 photos
Flatid planthopper - Flatormenis saucia

Planthopper - Neaethus sp.

1 photos
Planthopper - Neaethus sp.

Smoketree sharpshooter - Homalodisca lacerta

3 photos
Smoketree sharpshooter - Homalodisca lacerta

Glassy-winged sharpshooter - Homalodisca vitripennis

12 photos
Glassy-winged sharpshooter - Homalodisca vitripennis

Blue-green sharpshooter - Graphocephala atropunctata

7 photos
Blue-green sharpshooter - Graphocephala atropunctata

Versute leafhopper - Graphocephala versuta

4 photos
Versute leafhopper - Graphocephala versuta

Leafhopper - Graminella sonora

1 photos
Leafhopper - Graminella sonora

Sharp shooter - Draeculacephala sp.

1 photos
Sharp shooter - Draeculacephala sp.

Gray Lawn Leafhopper - Exitianus exitiosus

1 photos
Gray Lawn Leafhopper - Exitianus exitiosus

Ligurian Leafhopper - Eupteryx decemnotata

3 photos
Ligurian  Leafhopper - Eupteryx decemnotata

Leafhopper - Scaphytopius sp.

6 photos
Leafhopper - Scaphytopius sp.

Leafhopper -Scaphytopius sp.

1 photos
Leafhopper -Scaphytopius sp.

Leafhopper - Scaphytopius sp.

1 photos
Leafhopper - Scaphytopius sp.

Leafhopper - Paraphlepsius sp.?

2 photos
Leafhopper - Paraphlepsius sp.?

Leafhopper - Gyponana procera

3 photos
Leafhopper - Gyponana procera

Leafhopper - Texananus sp.

1 photos
Leafhopper - Texananus sp.

Leafhopper - Osbornellus sp.

1 photos
Leafhopper - Osbornellus sp.

Leafhopper - Euscelis sp

1 photos
Leafhopper - Euscelis sp

Leafhopper - Acinopterus sp.

3 photos
Leafhopper - Acinopterus sp.

Spittle bug - Clastoptera juniperina

4 photos
Spittle bug - Clastoptera juniperina

Spittle bug - Clastoptera lineatocollis

3 photos
Spittle bug - Clastoptera lineatocollis

Spittle bug - Clastoptera sp.

6 photos
Spittle bug - Clastoptera sp.

Froghopper - Prosapia sp.

5 photos
Froghopper - Prosapia sp.

Torpedo bug - Siphanta acuta

1 photos
Torpedo bug - Siphanta acuta

Delphacid planthopper - Stobaera sp

1 photos
Delphacid planthopper - Stobaera sp

Issid planthopper - Unidentified sp.

2 photos
Issid planthopper - Unidentified sp.

Cocchineal - Dactylopius sp.

3 photos
Cocchineal - Dactylopius sp.

Red Gum Lerp Psyllid - Glycaspis brimblecombei

4 photos
Red Gum Lerp Psyllid - Glycaspis brimblecombei

Tipu psyllid - Platycorypha nigrivirga

18 photos
Tipu psyllid - Platycorypha nigrivirga

Giant Whitefly - Aleurodicus dugesii

2 photos
Giant Whitefly - Aleurodicus dugesii

Crown Whitefly - Aleuroplatus coronata

3 photos
Crown Whitefly - Aleuroplatus coronata

Greenhouse Whitefly - Trialeurodes vaporariorum

1 photos
Greenhouse Whitefly - Trialeurodes vaporariorum

Mealy cabbage aphid - Brevicoryne brassicae

3 photos
Mealy cabbage aphid - Brevicoryne brassicae

Oleander aphid - Aphis nerii

9 photos
Oleander aphid - Aphis nerii

Red aphid - Uroleucon sp.??

2 photos
Red aphid - Uroleucon sp.??

Cotton/Melon aphid - Aphis gossypii

7 photos
Cotton/Melon aphid - Aphis gossypii

Aphid - Chaitophorus sp. (parasitized mummies)

3 photos
Aphid - Chaitophorus sp. (parasitized mummies)

Rose aphid - Macrosiphum rosae

2 photos
Rose aphid - Macrosiphum rosae

Aphids - Braggia sp.

1 photos
Aphids - Braggia sp.

Aphids - Unidenified spp.

8 photos
Aphids - Unidenified spp.