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What's New July 2012

Looking back, I see it turned out to be a busy month for me and I saw a new (to me) butterfly, bee, beetle, wasp, grasshopper, and toad.

At Dana Point along the rocks, I was quite surprised to see a small colony of white California Ground Squirrels mixed with the ones I’m used to seeing. They seem to blend in with the guano covered rocks. They are not albino. Likely a rare color morph from a recessive gene.

I discovered the Gardena Willows Wetlands Preserve this month. A delightful green gem in an urban area close to home.

I started a blog showing my artwork and a little bit of info about the subject. I hope this will get me creating more art. I added the first entry this month! Subscribe if you like. The artwork can be viewed collectively in a new gallery.

Gardena Willows Wetlands PreserveGardena Willows Wetlands PreserveGardena Willows Wetlands PreserveGardena Willows Wetlands PreserveGardena Willows Wetlands PreserveBlack Willow (Goodding's Willow) - Salix gooddingiiLemonade Berry - Rhus integrifoliaBlue elderberryBlue elderberryBlue elderberryWhite sageWhite sageWestern tiger swallowtail - papilio rutulusGulf fritillary - Agraulis vanillaeCabbage white - Pieris rapaeMourning cloak - Nymphalis antiopaFatal metalmark - Calephelis nemesisFatal metalmark - Calephelis nemesisFatal metalmark - Calephelis nemesisFatal metalmark - Calephelis nemesis