Creature Comforts

July 23, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Author's note: A little literary licence. This is just a little silliness for fun and may not be fully factual.

Creature Comforts (no translation this time)

I woke up feeling sluggish this morning. I guess I was a bit of night owl last night or maybe just drunk as a skunk.

I cleared the frog out of my throat and looked at my crow's feet in the mirror. I made breakfast but ate like a bird. I made a beeline for the door ready to start the day.  

I had to get my ducks in a row.  Recently my old friends seem to be dropping like flies. Someone put a bug in my ear and I decided to visit an old friend I hadn't seen in a coon's age.


I thought I would kill two birds with one stone, so on my way, I stopped at the bank to squirrel away some money. I thought something was fishy. 

I didn't want to be a scaredy-cat, but I thought someone was watching me like a hawk. I felt like a sitting duck. So I turned tail and went on my way. 

My friend lived five minutes away as the crow flies. Some thought she was a cold fish and she was the black sheep of the family, but we had been friends since she was knee high to a grasshopper.  She was proud as a peacock that she had ratted on some snake at work. I would like to have been a fly on the wall to see her, that queen bee, with a bee in her bonnet.  

Just for a lark, I decided to badger her for details. She was really bugged but we had a whale of a time. 

Later, I went home for a cat nap. I felt sick as a dog, but I guess that is just the nature of the beast.



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