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Family Theridiidae - Cobweb or Comb-footed Spiders

A recent article said that Black Widows in our area were being displaced by Brown Widows. My personal observation has seen an increase in Brown Widows, but I have also seen the Black Widows in the same areas, sometimes on opposite sides underneath the same bench.

Everyone knows Black Widows by their reputations and red hour-glasses. I had one live outside my front door for over a year. I once found one in the door jamb of my car - I carefully relocated it. While they fascinate me, I always approach with caution. Males look quite different from females. See images.

Here is a good guide to telling black from brown. http:/​/​cisr.​ucr.​edu/​identifying_​brown_​widow_​spiders.​html
Western black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - Latrodectus hesperuswestern black widow - latrodectus hesperusWestern black widow - latrodectus hesperus